Jim Collins says in his book, Good to Great, "Everyone would like to be the best, but most organizations lack the discipline to figure out with egoless clarity what they can be the best at and the will to do whatever it takes to turn the potential into reality."
If you have heard me speak or heard my life story you have heard the words resonate from my lips...
I am often teased for the over-useage of that word in my vocabulary. However lacking to recognize potential can paralyze so many people from growth and excellence. What results is mediocrity and stagnation. Neither of those are traits that draws followers, they operate as repellents. A life without discipline equals a life of unatained potential. That life can also be represented by your church/ministry/business/organization.
Jim Collins calls out two areas for discipline. An egoless clarity and the will or determination, both of these to become the BEST. I have learned that many people are afraid of being the best. Not because it is unattainable but because of the dedication and discipline that it takes. Many times it is easier to wait for the other guy to plow through the land and pave the road then glide down it picking up hints and resources.
It is not wrong to figure out what you can be the best at. Make sure to also figure out what you cannot be the best at. Simplify your goals. Don't wave those goals in others faces, remember this is egoless. Jeanne Mayo teaches that many times God gives vision that needs to be shelved until the proper time. There are vision destroyers. Guys who have self-esteem issues and will doubt you and in your heart that vision may be destroyed. Shelve it and trust that God in His proper time will unveil it.
This doesn't mean we try until there is a roadblock. Bud Leikvoll, an instructor at Western Bible College explains roadblocks and attacks of Satan as this. "It is either a stepping stone or stumbling block." It will either make you weaker or stronger. There has to be a tenacity and drive that makes you so relentless that nothing will stand in your way.
We need to stop giving reasons for bureaucracy to exist and be disciplined in our lives. Many times the reason for a micro-manger leaders is because either they lacked discipline and are overcompensating or they had someone fail them due to lack of discipline. Change the rules or change the game.
Coaching Moment:
What, if you knew you would not fail at, would you do?