Click 'Read More' to see a couple GREAT videos...
In a world of ever increasing productivity, efficiencies, and people it is sometimes good to take a step back and look at how different statistics relates to you and your little place on this great big ball. Provided are a couple great videos as well as take a look at some live links here.
Click 'Read More' to see a couple GREAT videos...
The first time I lost that amount of money was during the devastating economic crash in the real estate market. My company was investing in real estate doing flips, rentals, and short/long-term investments. We also got into hard money lending. During the crash we had individuals and companies default on money we lent. That was the first time! The second time was yesterday, but not as significant. I am playing a game on ESPN called Streak for the Ca$h. The game is simple and it is free, you simply pick a game winner for all different sports and whoever get's the longest winning streak for the month wins $50,000, and if you have over 27 winning streaks in a row, you can win $100,000. Don't worry there is a leadership lesson here, not just a sports talk... Keep reading! My approach was more based off running simple statistics and probability to get the wins versus who I thought would win or what other people were voting for. I made sure to not... Number of chemical elements in the universe: 104
In a glass of New Jersey tap water: 98 Average miles per gallon you can expect if a car maker's ad says "30 mpg, city": 23 Average life expectancy (in seconds) of an enemy soldier in a Chuck Norris film: 4 Percentage of the public that understand the new tax code: 11% Percentage of accountants who understand it: 9% Percentage of IRS employees who understand it: 6% Number of Americans who believe any of these statistics are accurate: 2,478,644 As far as some actual significant numbers of importance check out this site, very worth your time. The great thing is they update LIVE! |
October 2013
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