Although there are over 20 theories of motivation, some including intrinsic motivation, incentivizing, needs theory, etc. The reality is that motivation comes down to the reasons a person has for acting out with a particular behavior in a particular way for a certain means. We may hear a commanding speech, a heartfelt compassionate plead that tugs at our heart, or a rally cry. All of these may be motivating. Many times the motivating intent leads to a demotivating action. Think of the time when the boss tries to rally his troops to move forward. In his/her attempt they uncannily make people feel bad because they haven't met the expectations of the leader. This typically is caused because standards and expectations were not clearly defined or accountability was not a system that was widely enforced. Many times employees or team members are released from their duties (fired) or moved on to another department, not because they couldn't follow directions or were not motivated, it may be due to lack of those expectations and no accountability. However, the leader feels they were not...
October 2013
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