I love working with clients that have great vision yet take a realistic approach. With my architectural background I have no problem designing the dreamsical unrealistic art but the reality is that designing things within budgets, constraints, taking into consideration other architectural design elements within the project's locale, area demographics, etc. can often paralyze clients. When sitting down at a blank piece of paper many people have a tough time conceptualizing their dreams... or facing the reality of what is doable.
I enjoy leadership that can be modest in their approach to the doable, respecting the fundamentals however allowing the 'fun' of creativity and exploration. Those leaders that understand this and 'get it' typically dream bigger, run faster, climb higher and have an unmatched aptitude for success. Their leadership is addictive and permeates those around them.
Are you dreaming today? Are you running faster than those that have held you back? Are you climbing higher? Do you have an unmatched aptitude for success? I hope the answer in the forefront of your mind is a resounding yes! If not, begin... NOW!
Linked are a couple renderings I decided to put up. Comment your thoughts, be advised these are very preliminary.
Click HERE.