What happens when your ego becomes interference to your leadership? The sad part is because it is your ego you are blind to it... the only person that can see it is EVERYONE else! The question I ask is why does ego-centrism get in the way of well-meaning leadership? An egocentric person cannot completely empathize, i.e. "put himself in other peoples' shoes", and believes everyone sees what she/he sees (or that what he/she sees, in some way, exceeds what others see).
What is ego-less leadership?
I believe true leadership is truly egoless, as a matter of fact, my core belief says that true leadership is only based through a servant mentality. We 'get' what we want when we 'give' of what we want and need. I understand that may seem oxymornic but it does make sense (oxymoronic = oxymoron + stupidity). Let me say it this way, how much value does a fruit tree truly have? An ignorant man with large ego would take the fruit of his tree and sell it for what, a hundred dollars and feel rich? However, how is rich even defined but by the ignorant, that would try to actually define it by a monetary figure or time figure or whatever means of focal point, but it's all perspective, nothing more than a perception of value. The true leader would grab a few people that would be potential farmers teach them how to take the fruit of this tree and harvest not the tasty fruit but the ugly seeds within the fruit. They would skip the opportunity for the immediate vitamins, the succulent fruit, the tasty juice. They would take the seeds and learn how to germinate them into small seedlings then into an orchard.
Now the egoless leader sees the true value in a single tree. He sees that he can give of himself to train a few farmers. He understand the sacrifice of one season of his tree and training will yield several orchards.
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb
The best time to build a leader is 20 years ago, the second best time is now. - My own twist.

The egocentric leader will stand on his box and use his bullhorn to sell his bushel of fruit. However I am not interested in coaching people to that approach. In my practice I strongly focus on helping people become wealthy through losing their ego while maintaining their passion, purpose, and principles. Please do not be ignorant enough to limit wealth to just money. The wealthiest people in life do not always have the largest bank account. They have time for their family, they have a heart of compassion, etc. Wealth's true measurement is time... not greenbacks.
Be a change agent, not a bullhorn, no one likes you Mr. Bullhorn Guy.
What are you doing to invest in yourself? Do not think that because of your leadership skills and ability to lead others you yourself do not need your own investment. Have you considered different methods. The far best method through empirical studies is discussed HERE.